Miyake Shuko-Kai International
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International Chief Instructor  /  Kunio Miyake

Shito-ryu Karate-Do: 8th Degree Black Belt
Kempo Aiki-jujitsu: 6th Degree Black Belt
Nippon Toho  Iai-Do Shuko-kai: Soke  /  President


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Shorinji Kempo Instructors 
Training in 1974
All Japan Martial Arts Demonstration at Budokan in Tokyo in 1973 Kunio Miyake (center) Tani-ha Shito-ryu 
All Japan Championships 
in 1982 & 2nd place
in 1980
Kunio Miyake: receiving All
Japan champion
award from
 Soke Chojiro Tani Iin 1982
All Japan Sport Festival
(Kokutai) opening ceremony.
JKF Kagawaken Team
with Togo Sensei, Miyawaki Sensei
 in 1981 (Top eight).

              In All Japan championships Kunio Miyake (right)       

All Japan Karate Championship at Kokutai  in 1981.

FAJKO (JKF)Regional Championship
Kunio Miyake (right)

(JKF) Award ceremony  
in 1980 (Champion for middle weight) in 1984 (Champion for open)           
Kunio Miyake:
teaching at 
Takamatsu First 
senior high school.
His team became
the best team in 1984
Kunio Miyake came to U.S.A. in 1985 from Japan.
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Kunio Miyake won in U.S.A. Karate 
Federation in 1988
In Westminster, CA Dojo
Demostration at Westminster Dojo in California At Westminster Dojo in California
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With (JFK) Mano Sensei & Hasumi Sensei, 1989 At Dojo
2003 (2)
With JKF National Coach Sensei Nishimura (left) and Family, 2002 At Dojo
2003 (1)
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Peru Seminar
2004 (1)
Peru Seminar
2004 (2)
With Tsuyama Sensei (center) Chairman of JKF & WKF Technical Committee At Gasshuku, Denver 2004
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With US National Coaches, 2004 Sensei with National Team at Olympic training center, 2004 In 2006 Ryobu-kai Championship-Portland Oregon. With U.S.A. team head
coach Igaki.
Portland, Oregon 2006


             2011 Official Licensed Instructors 2012 Official Licensed Instructors
Central Regional Chief Instructor: 

Selene Miyake

 Karate-Do: 5th Degree Black Belt

Eishin-ryu Iai-Do 5th Degree Black Belt

With world kata champion Mie Nakayama in 1985 Iai-Do training in Japan in 1985. With Sensei Masuru Satoh. Iai-Do Black belt certification in Japan.
(Sensei Selene - right)
With Taishu-kai Soke Shirota. Karate-Do training in Japan. At National Championships in Mexico.
Sensei Akira Fukuda
Karate-Do: 6th Degree Black Belt
S.K.I. Western regional chief Instructor
 S.K.I. California President
Pan-American Championships Chile 2000 Sensei Fukuda in Championships??
2009 State Championships Medalists 
(4 gold, 2 Silver, 6 Bronze)   San Antonio Tx.